Retirement Income Planning

One of the top financial concerns for most retirees is running out of money during retirement. With careful planning, these fears can be addressed and eliminated. Are your retirement savings protected from market volatility? We can show you accumulation and various income strategies using fixed index annuities1 that guarantee protection of 100% of your principle against market volatility, while enabling you to enjoy some market gains.
Life insurance2 is a useful tool not only for the death benefit that it provides. The death benefit can be used to help fund your spouse’s retirement goals, help replace lost social security income, or other needs. Additionally, there are several hybrid options that assist with long-term care and in home care costs. Learn how life insurance can be beneficial to your overall plans. Our team will work with you to customize a strategy based on your specific circumstances and objectives.
Contact us today to schedule your complimentary Retirement Plan Review!
¹ Fixed Annuities are designed to meet long-term needs for retirement income. They provide guarantees against the loss of principal and credited interest, and offer the reassurance of a death benefit for your beneficiaries.
² Keep in mind that most life insurance policies require health underwriting and, in some cases, financial underwriting. For information on how life insurance works, including fees and expenses, please contact our office.
Guarantees are backed by the financial strength and claims-paying ability of the issuing insurance company.